Hypermobility Nutrition
Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) are under-diagnosed connective tissue disorders that can contribute to many digestive concerns.
Savvy Dietetics​ provides support to help you make sense of your gut health, find sustainable dietary strategies to manage your symptoms and get your zest back with anti-inflammatory nutrition.
All of our Dietitians have extensive training in the Hypermobility & Co space (see below).
Find Savita online at @hypermobility.dietitian on Instagram!

With hypermobility, the number of coexisting health conditions and symptoms an individual can experience is often overwhelming. Gradually working on improving diet quality can not just help to improve digestive concerns, but also other symptoms and conditions related to hypermobility. Savvy Dietetics aims to simplify your health journey and provide ease and clarity with a step-by-step, fuss-free approach to nutrition.
Nutrition, gut health & hypermobility can impact:
Nausea, appetite changes & bloating
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) & histamine intolerance
Dysautonomias, including POTS and OI
Acid reflux and heartburn
Slow or fast gut motility
Gut microbiome dysbiosis and SIBO
Chronic pain & fatigue
Food sensitivities and intolerances
Constipation, painful bowel movements & diarrhoea
Hormone health - endometriosis, painful cycles, menopause, PCOS
Mental health & sleep
Blood sugar levels and insulin resistance
Relationship with food
Neurodivergency very commonly co-occurs with HSD/EDS
Just to name a few!
Nutrition & dietetic consult journey
As someone who has hypermobility and comes from a family of hypermobile individuals, we understand how unique each person can be.
The Savvy Dietetics approach to assisting hypermobile clients is tailored - starting with a thorough assessment (lifestyle, diet, medical, environmental, biochemical) before prioritising key areas to work on that align with our client's goals. Savita, Aleisha and Romy all have a background in evidence-based integrative dietetics which have provided them with the skillset to also interpret and manage nutrition-related blood tests with nutraceutical supplement with diet, as well as an overall broader appreciation of the factors that contribute to GI symptoms on both a macro and biochemical level.
Our practitioners often begin with finding valuable ways to support eating regular meals, reduce digestive pain and symptoms while investigating & correcting nutrient deficiencies - gently easing clients towards an anti-inflammatory diet, although this can vary so much client-to-client.
Initial consults:
We ask LOTS of question, expanding on the information provided to us in our thorough intake forms! We do not require you to come prepared with a food diary or similar, however sending any recent blood or other pathology testing (e.g. gastroscopy/colonscopy reports, microbiome testing) or specialist letters is handy.
We create the first steps for a custom Nutrition Care Plan, and email this within 7 days. This usually includes our impression of your case, general resources on certain areas, tests to organise with your GP, some foundational nutrition strategies and perhaps other advocacy-based tasks e.g. NDIS letters and similar.
Note! It can take a few sessions for us to create more detailed meal plans and guides (if needed). Everyone in this space is so unique in terms of foods we do and don't tolerate, sensory preferences, capacity and more. It can take some time to unpack these factors and try to address certain factors - as where possible we aim to avoid excess dietary restriction (and for some people we don't change diet at all, rather focussing on other factors!). ​
Review sessions:
These can look really different for everyone. Generally we space these out 3-8 weeks for the first few sessions, depending on your goals, and they can be 30 or 60min long.
If you're on a roll and would like to check in more regularly than this, let us know! ​
We can start to tinker with strategies and join the dots with what could be occurring. Generally we review any new blood test or other results and come up with a plan for this, and/or we may look at more detailed meal planning strategies and supports, and/or symptom management.
Who can I book in with to help with nutrition for Hypermobility & Co
Aleisha is currently accepting new clients, and fully upskilled in our clinic's approach to managing Hypermobility & Co. She is an incredible dietitian and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to managing complex GI symptoms and creative approaches to meal planning for non-standard dietary needs. Aleisha can see complex Hypermobility & Co clients including for vascular compression syndromes.
Romy is undergoing extensive training in the Hypermobility and Co area.
Savita is not taking new clients. All of our Dietitians case conference weekly.
Guest podcast episodes
Hypermobility Happy Hour - 56 - Savita Sandhu (Savvy Dietetics) on Diet and Hypermobility (Part 1) Mast Cells & Diet
Hypermobility Happy Hour - 64 - Savita Sandhu on Diet and Hypermobility (Part 2) POTS & Diet
Sick of it - Nutrition and Patient Advocacy - Savita Sandhu from Savvy Dietetics
Zebra Talks with Libby Hinsley - Nutrition Management for Hypermobility Syndromes with Savita Sandhu