Meet the Team
Director of Savvy Dietetics
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Certified Patient Advocate
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Certified Health Coach
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Seeing clients from February 2025!

Virtual Assistant

About Savvy
Hi, I'm Savita
It's lovely to meet you.
I'm a patient-practitioner, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, board member for NFP Connected Health Alliance and Certified Patient Advocate.
My passion for food began as a child playing in my family's vegetable garden in England, and with both of my parents being hospital-based health professionals, health and the role of healthcare have always been on my radar.
As a child I had no energy, perpetual sniffles and multiple food intolerances.
After seeking nutrition advice, my health improved dramatically; sparking my fascination with food, diet and the body. This led me to begin studying a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.
However, while attempting to juggle full time study and multiple jobs I became burnt out, which heralded the onset of chronic pain & fatigue, and what I later discovered was postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome and hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

This began the search for answers from a myriad of specialists, GPs and google sessions. Needless to say, I didn’t have much success.
There were too many try-this-it-might-work-for-you tablets that made me so nauseated I was unable keep food down, or utterly-out-of-my-uni-student-budget treatment recommendations which felt like a stab in the dark for a miracle cure. Or even worse, the well-maybe-it’s-just-anxiety card – urgh!
Ultimately, I was floundering with no real direction, or sense in which direction I was heading. If I continued on this path, I’m not sure how I would have been able to finish my degree, hold down a job or look after the relationships in my life – let alone walk 100 metres some days!
It took time to build the right healthcare team and start piecing together parts of my story. But through this I was able to find clarity and ease in a seemingly unconnected puzzle of symptoms, and make a clear roadmap for the path ahead. Restoring joy, autonomy and spontaneity to my life.
Now, as a practitioner I have a unique respect for the struggles which patients may encounter on their journey, along with the skills necessary to provide support. I uphold a scientific evidence-based and holistic approach; meaning that I am informed by current nutrition and medical research while also taking into account the unique situation of each person I work with.
This is the approach I hope to bring to you with our team at Savvy Dietetics. If you're ready to take the next step or have any questions, head to the bookings tab below.
Wishing you the best on your journey,
* NOTE: Savvy is not taking new clients for the foreseeable future due to health*
Ehlers Danlos Society Network of Excellence Member x 2 | Connected Health Alliance | Australia EDS & HSD Network
Savvy Dietetics in the Media: Careers With Stem, Queensland University of Technology
Academic publication | Standardised Outcome Reporting for the Nutrition Management of Complex Chronic Disease | Sandhu, S., Angel, C., Campbell, K., Hickman, I. & McLaughlin, H. | 2021 | Journal: Nutrients, Special Edition Nutrition and Diet for Metabolic Health
Scholarship Runner up - Dr Richard Sager Scholarship | Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine | 2023
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours, First Class) | Queensland University of Technology
Certified Professional Patient Advocate | Health Commons Connect
Other Major Professional Development
2024 | Aus POTS Conference Scientific Day (in person)
2023 | EDS ECHO AHP Introduction to EDS and HSD | EDS ECHO Nutrition | EDS Global Learning Conference (online)
2022 | The Pole Physio | Highlighting Hypermobility Online Workshop
2022 | POTS Unmasked Conference - Australian POTS Foundation
ACNEM modules: Gastrointestinal Health | Women's Health | Foundations of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine 1 & 2
Professional Memberships
Qualifications & Milestones

About Aleisha

Aleisha Adams is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Qualified Health Coach with a special interest in relationship with food, complex gastroenterology & women's health.
She has a range of experience in both hospital and outpatient dietetics - holding senior roles, as well as being a volunteer Dietitian for AusHEAL, where she has provides hands-on assistance at hospitals in the Congo.
Gut health has always been a focus in Aleisha's practice. She has completed additional training with multiple organisations, and co-developed Miyagi's Healthy Gut Program. She has worked with clients with gastrointestinal symptoms and conditions to uncover factors contributing to symptoms - and loves digging into the research to find microbiome factors that can be optimised through diet, lifestyle and tailored pre & probiotics.
Aleisha has a passion for recipe development & food photography, and loves helping clients she works with find creative ways to nourish themselves which meet both their dietary and sensory needs. You can find her project The Hummus Hub here.
Aleisha joined Savvy Dietetics in early 2024 and has worked with 150+ clients with Hypermobility & Co, including complex cases.
Hi, I'm Aleisha
Qualifications & Milestones
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours, First Class) | Queensland University of Technology
Certified Health Coach: Foundations of Health & Wellness Coaching (Level 1), Wellness Coaching Australia
Certified Microba Informed Practioner (MIP)
Co-developer of the Healthy Gut Australia Program, Miyagi
Featured on Healthy Living radio show with Dr Ross Walker re SIBO
Volunteer Dietitian with AusHEAL, Heal Africa Congo
Other Major Professional Development
Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine: Gastrointestinal Health Module
Savvy Dietetics Hypermobility Dietetics Crash Course
The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Monash University
The Essentials: Training Clinicians in Eating Disorders & Community Training for Dietitians: The Essentials, Inside Out Institute
Microba Insights Course for Health Professionals
EDS ECHO Australasia
Professional Memberships

As a dietitian, I take an evidence-based and holistic approach when working with clients, considering all aspects of health, both physical and mental, when finding accessible solutions.
I struggled with my relationship with food as a teenager. Over time and with an increasingly challenging relationship with food and exercise, conditions slowly appeared including IBS, amennhorea, low hormone levels and low bone density. I sought help from a number of health professionals, but the solutions they suggested were just a band-aid fixes.
In the 5 years that I worked to regain my period and my health, not a single health professional identified the underlying cause of my symptoms: the eating disorder. Instead all came back as 'normal' and I was repeatedly told that my hormones were 'just not working properly'.
Sick of going back and forth to appointments that didn't seem to be making any progress, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I took a deep dive into some research reached the heavy and humbling realisation that my own eating habits were the cause of my symptoms. After around 6 months of regaining weight, fixing my iron deficiency, challenging my relationship with food and learning to rest my nervous system, I regained my period and my energy! I only wished that my eating disorder was diagnosed earlier and that I had been given the appropriate support.
I understand how easy it can be to develop a 'fear of food,' particularly when navigating other health conditions such as food allergies, intolerances, autoimmunity and IBS.
Food can be overwhelming, and that is why I love working with clients to improve their relationship with food and learn how to nourish their bodies in a way that feels safe and that suits their personal needs.
Interest areas: relationship with food, Hypermobility & Co, meal planning for complex dietary requirements, Women's & AFAB Health.
* NOTE: Aleisha is currently at capacity for new clients, however still accepts complex clients on a case-by-case basis, and internal referrals for support on relationship with food.*

About Romy
Hi, I'm Romy
I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian, a lover of all things food and cooking and I live with Type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease.
I received my diagnosis in 2017, and began my journey into nutrition and dietetics to try and make sense of how I should manage my health going forward. I was overwhelmed with my new way of living, attending all my appointments with new health professionals and specialists, understanding the technology and medicine that keeps me alive, learning how my favourite foods impacted my blood sugar levels and how I felt, what to cook and how to somehow always remember to have a hypo snack on hand. Not to mention a spare insulin cartridge, test strips, glucometer, lancet, needle, CGM sensor…..the list goes on!
I understand firsthand the challenges of living with chronic disease, the burnout of managing day to day tasks, the disruption of attending regular health appointments while trying to also just enjoy life and not let your illness consume you. Healthy looks different to everyone, and my goal as a dietitian is to support individuals who are navigating chronic health conditions to find balance and their version of healthy. I value a supportive and inclusive environment where every client feels validated and thought of holistically as opposed to being identified by their diagnosis.
I believe in the power of food, to nourish the body and mind, but also believe in the joy, pleasure and connection that food brings to many aspects of life. My goal is to help patients reconnect with the joy of eating, to manage symptoms in a way that feels sustainable and achievable, and to help create a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
Interest areas: gastrointestinal disorders, all aspects of diabetes and endocrine function, Hypermobility & Co, Women's & AFAB health, neurodivergence.

Qualifications & Milestones
Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Distinction) & Masters of Nutrition & Dietetics (Distinction) | University of Wollongong
Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies (Distinction) | University of Wollongong
Other Major Professional Development
Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine: Gastrointestinal Health Module
Savvy Dietetics Hypermobility Dietetics Crash Course
EAL and PAL: New Food Allergen Labelling Laws
Diabetes: Western Sydney Diabetes Masterclass, Practical Guide for Supporting People with Diabetes
Monash University: The Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
Dietitians Australia
Note from Savvy
Romy is an exceptional dietitian, and we are working closely to develop her knowledge in the EDS & Co space. Over her first few months in clinic with us (Feb - Apr 2025), you may see me duck in and out of consults, and Aleisha and I will be providing lots of support behind the scenes to ensure you receive high quality care.
Romy will also soon be practicing at our upcoming interdisciplinary clinic in Wollongong (details coming soon!) where she will be working alongside and receiving mentoring from some of the leading medical and allied health clinicians in the Hypermobility space across Australia!

Pups of Savvy Dietetics
Cami is a tiny Maltese - Shih Tzu - Poodle cross, born in 2021, and is a qualified therapy dog. You may see her in the background of telehealth consults on Savita's work from home days.

Kimchi is Aleisha's collie, born in 2024. You may see her in telehealth sessions with Aleisha.

Florence, or Flossie, is Romy's toy poodle - she'll be turning 15 this year! :)